Swimming Pool

Changing Rooms
Spacious changing rooms (individual cabins) right next to the pool, with plenty of hot water and all the necessary items for a comfortable and safe bath after class (benches, children's seats, hairdryer etc).ss
Waiting Area
Waiting area right next to the pool, where attendants can comfortably watch the conduct of the course. Free Wi - Fi.

Indoors Playground
Playground suitable for very young ages, filled with safe toys, fenced and lined around with soft material.
Waiting Area
Pleasant waiting area next to the playground, where you can feed your baby and enjoy your coffee after class, while your child plays safely. Free Wi - Fi.

Kitchen which can be used by parents for children's needs, eg preparation / maintenance milk or food.
Smoking Area
Porch which has visual contact with the indoor playground, with tables and comfortable chairs ... because smokers are entitled to their space.

Easy Parking
Wheelchair Access
Ramp for wheelchairs and strollers.

Baby swimming equipment, which can be provided to the participants of baby swimming classes such us bathing suits, waterproof diapers and more.